Linha de montagem de baterias
Casa Linha de montagem de baterias

Prismatic cell manufacturing equipment

Prismatic cell manufacturing equipment


A prismatic cell manufacturing equipment is an automated system designed to produce prismatic lithium-ion battery cells. These machines typically consist of several integrated production processes, including electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, and post-processing.

The electrode manufacturing process involves several stages, including cutting, coating, and calendaring the electrode materials, by winding or stacking the electrodes to the desired shape. The prismatic cell manufacturing plant typically includes several specialized machines for each stage, such as electrode slitting machines, electrode coating machines, and electrode calendaring machines.

The cell assembly process typically involves stacking the electrodes and separators, adding the electrolyte, and sealing the cell to form a prismatic shape. The prismatic cell manufacturing machine may include machines such as stacking machines, tab welding machines, electrolyte filling machines, and sealing machines.

Post-processing steps may include thermal conditioning, formation, testing, and packing of the finished prismatic cells. The prismatic cell manufacturing machine may also include specialized machines for these post-processing steps, such as a thermal processing machine, a prismatic cell formation machine, and a testing machine.

Overall, the prismatic cell manufacturing machine aims to produce prismatic cells in a high-throughput, efficient, and consistent manner. These prismatic cells can be used in a wide range of applications, such as electric vehicles, stationary energy storage systems, and portable electronic devices.

Prismatic cell manufacturing equipment